One Post at a Time

A blog? Is that what I really want to start? Will I keep it up? These are the questions I asked myself when the idea crossed my mind one night when trying to fall asleep. It was one of my countless ideas that crossed my mind one night when I could not sleep. Many things pique my interest and at times I'm a bit impulsive in my pursuit of something new without any follow through. For instance, I decided that maybe I should make bath bombs as a side hustle since I like taking baths. Within two hours, I sourced the ingredients and spent $84.00 on materials. My materials arrived over a month ago. Have I made a single bath bomb yet? No, no I have not. One day... 

All that to say, given my track record, starting this blog may not result in more than this post but I do think it will give me the space to process and mull over all of my ideas. I just need to take it one post at a time.

Here are potential things I am curious about that you may see on this blog in the future: 

  • Making bath bombs
  • Taking on minimalism
  • Starting a proofreading business
  • Travel hacking
  • Personal finance 
Until next time,
A Curious Stapp
